Playschool class

Age: 2 to 2.11 years old
Schedule: Monday to Friday
Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm
The Playschool class aims to provide a “home-like” environment that nurtures and supports each child’s ability to assimilate and feel comfortable and safe in a school setting. The curriculum for the Playschool class focuses on independence, sensory based activities and introduction of basic concepts in math, reading and writing using hands-on activities and tactile experiences.
Nursery class

Age: 3 to 3.11 years old
Schedule: Monday to Friday
Time: Nursery A (Morning Session) – 9:30 to 12:00 noon
Nursery B (Afternoon Session) – 1:00 to 3:30 pm
The Nursery level encourages self-help skills related to their growing independence such as using utensils when eating, opening and closing their bags and putting on shoes. These skills involve both small and big muscle movements, as well as your toddler’s ability to think about what s/he’s doing. The Nursery class also has a curriculum that introduces letter recognition, phonemic awareness and blending, introduction to formal writing by encouraging proper pencil grip and controlled movement and math concepts using hands-on approach.
Kindergarten Classes
Kindergarten 1

Age: 4 to 4.11 years old
Schedule: Monday to Friday
Time: 8:30 to 11:30 am
Kindergarten 1 class focuses more on fine-motor skills and the beginning skills of primary school level. Practicing more with writing and reading & comprehension using the Oxford Reading Tree. Children will learn, in fun and engaging ways, about the early concepts of reading, math, and language. They are often exposed to science, art, and simple history. As they learn these pre-academic skills, they can enter kindergarten 2 and grade school better equipped to learn challenging concepts.
Kindergarten 2

Age: 5 to 6 years old
Schedule: Monday to Friday
Time: Kinder 2 A (Morning session) -8:30 to 11:30 am
Kinder 2 B (Afternoon session) -1:00 to 4:00 pm
Kindergarten is a requirement to enter basic education along with a DepEd *LRN. The school will enroll the children to the Department of Education’s Learner Information System at the beginning of the year to get their LRN.
The Kindergarten 2’s curriculum is much more advanced and ensures that all basic concepts are mastered, such as successfully reading, writing, and solving simple mathematical problems. Reading & comprehension skills are continued to be assessed using the Oxford Reading Tree. The math curriculum’s Three-step process is applied to solve and understand mathematical concepts. Hands-on experiences and learning outside the classroom is inserted to acquire knowledge in science and social studies. It is the use of places other than the school for teaching and learning, providing them with challenging, exciting and different experiences. Showing them real-life applications of theories that they are learning at school.
*LRN or Learner Reference Number– A unique and permanent 12 digit number assigned to anyone enrolled in the Philippine Basic Education system. The Philippines national student identification number. Every learner in the basic education system can possess only one permanent and perpetual LRN. The learner must be 5 years old on or before October 31 of the current school year, in accordance with DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2016 or the Omnibus Policy on Kindergarten Education.
- Only the following institutions are authorized to issue LRN to a learner (DepEd Order No 52, s.2016)
- Public schools
- Private schools licensed by DepEd
- ALS Community Learning Centers