
Our program follows a philosophical guideline known as the Developmental Interaction Approach. The basic principle is that the child needs to explore and then express his or her ideas through a variety of channels: imaginative play, group discussions, art, block building, and writing.

Play is seen as the child’s work.  It is the means by which the child re-examines and re-creates everything they have experienced and observed.  Play is purposeful, exceedingly important, and serious.  The children’s choice of activities are treated as important explorations.

Social interactions are vital.  It is important that children learn to be aware of their emotions, to identify and talk about them, to express their needs and problems and to be able to negotiate their resolution with other children, teachers and other adults.  The teacher’s role is to facilitate the formation of friendships by encouraging and helping to negotiate interactions between children.

Our program boosts of open-ended materials: water, sand, playdough, blocks, puzzles, art materials, and the like. Center Time or Free play is generous, and even planned activities may sometimes give way to the children’s spontaneous interests. Individual portfolios, which document the children’s work, will be created as a means of assessment along with a Progress Report Card that contain the developmentally appropriate skills for each age/level.